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Historie technologie čárových kódů v hracích kartách

History of Barcode Technology in Playing Cards


Playing cards have a rich history, dating back centuries. From traditional decks used for games and magic tricks to modern innovations, the world of playing cards continues to evolve. One significant advancement in recent years is the use of barcode technology in playing cards. In this article, we’ll explore the history of karty s čárovým kódem and how they have revolutionized the gaming industry.

The Rise of Barcode Marked Cards

Early Days

Barcode technology was initially developed for retail and inventory management. However, its application extended beyond supermarkets and warehouses. In the 1980s, enterprising individuals discovered that barcodes could be discreetly incorporated into playing cards. These “barcode označené karty” allowed players to gain an edge in various card games, including poker.

Advantages of Barcode Marked Cards

  1. Invisible Advantage: Unlike traditional marked cards, which often require visible marks or alterations, barcode marked cards remain undetectable to the naked eye. The barcode is typically printed on the card’s edge or back, making it virtually impossible for opponents to spot.
  2. Customizable Data: Each barcode corresponds to specific information. For example, a barcode might represent the card’s rank (e.g., Ace, King, Queen) or suit (Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, Spades). Players can customize the data encoded in the barcode to suit their strategy.
  3. Efficiency: Barcode scanners can quickly read the information encoded in the cards. This efficiency is especially valuable in fast-paced games like poker, where split-second decisions matter.
  4. Accuracy: Barcode technology ensures accurate readings. There’s no room for human error when scanning cards, reducing the risk of misreading or misinterpreting the markings.

Successful Example: Poker Tournament

Imagine a high-stakes poker tournament where the top players are vying for millions of dollars. Among them is a seasoned professional who discreetly uses barcode marked cards. Here’s how it unfolds:

  1. Card Scanning: The player’s deck contains barcode marked cards. As the cards are dealt, the player scans them using a concealed scanner hidden in their sleeve.
  2. Instant Insights: The scanner decodes the barcodes, instantly revealing the rank and suit of each card. The player knows their hand’s strength without hesitation.
  3. Strategic Advantage: Armed with accurate information, the player adjusts their strategy. They fold weak hands and confidently raise with strong ones, leaving opponents puzzled by their seemingly psychic abilities.
  4. Victory: The player consistently outplays opponents, accumulating chips and advancing through the tournament. Their barcode marked cards remain undetected, ensuring a discreet advantage.
  5. Poker Odds Calculator: The player also uses a poker odds calculator, which factors in the community cards and their own hand. This tool helps them make informed decisions based on probabilities, further enhancing their advantage.


Barcode technology has transformed the world of playing cards, offering players an invisible edge. Whether in casual games or high-stakes tournaments, barcode marked cards continue to shape the way we play. So next time you’re at the poker table, remember that the cards themselves may hold secrets invisible to the untrained eye .

For more information about barcode playing cards, please refer to: Úvod do hracích karet s čárovým kódem

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